Subdivision FAQ’s2023-03-28T06:43:34+08:00

Subdivision FAQ’s

What are the R Codes and how do they effect me?2020-06-10T11:35:32+08:00

The R-Codes are the Residential Design Codes of Western Australia, also known as state planning policy 7.3 volume 1. It is the principle document which guides low and medium density residential planning and development in the state of Western Australia. All developments much achieve the standards outlined in the R-Codes (lot sizes etc) as a minimum, if proposed subdivision or development is to be approved by the appropriate decision making authority (WAPC or Local government) .

The R Codes are the basic framework all developments must comply with. Developments must also comply with provisions of Local Planning Policies and Schemes. Local Government is empowered to modify and supplement some of the performance requirements in the R-codes (as outlines in section 7 of those codes in Volume 1) . So they may exceed or reduce requirements of the R-codes.  All enquiries relating to interpretation of provisions of the R-Codes must be directed to the relevant local government where the development proposal is located. There is more detailed information on the application of the R-Codes and how they effect subdivision and development on the Subdividing Land in Western Australia page of our website. State and Local government planning policies and their application, including the R-codes, are also covered in greater detail across several chapters of the 225 page Infill Property Developer Guidebook.

Who approves my subdivision application?2020-06-10T11:38:45+08:00

The West Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) administers and approves/rejects all survey strata and green title Subdivision applications. Your local council (local government) is consulted during the application process by the WAPC as a stakeholder regarding conditions they would like imposed as part of the conditional approval process. They are not however, the ultimate decision maker in the process. All applications are received, reviewed and ultimately approved or refused by the West Australian Planning Commission (WAPC). Local government will only become the a more involved decision maker for Survey Strata and green title applications Going for higher coding in Dual Coded areas. Some built strata subdivisions can be approved at a local government level via delegated authority for the WAPC without going to the WAPC (less than 5 lots). You can learn about the subdivision application and assessment process in detail in the 225 page Infill Property Developer Guidebook.

How much does it cost to subdivide property?2020-06-10T12:04:21+08:00

Subdivision costs can only be definitively calculated after an application (Form 1A) is lodged and the WAPC has issued a conditional approval by way of a decision letter. The conditions in approval will drive project scope moving forward, and subsequently the costs. To adress some of these conditions you may require drawings (planning phase), which allows for accurate costing for project delivery.

Using our experience and a database of previous subdivisions in a multitude of localities across WA, we are able to provide cost opinions for most subdivision projects with a reasonable degree of accuracy with a small amount of desktop  research. Feasibility studies  will help o capture project specific costs during the investigation phase. It is essential to assess scope, timeline and costs specific to your subdivision or development project before you commit to the project, to make sure its actually going to be profitable.

In General, costs will include a combination of the following:

  • Surveying costs. This will depend on the number of lots and type of subdivision application being made.
  • Project management fees.
  • WAPC application fees. The WAPC sets fixed fees for the consideration of the Form 1A and 1C applications. A standard 2 lot subdivision would have WAPC fees of approximately  $3500 and $650 dollars respectively for each stage.
  • Contributions to utility providers and Local Government
  • R-code compliance upgrades to any retained dwellings
  • Civil/drainage and geotechnical engineering, planning and certification fees
  • Preparation of subdivision lots and associated site work costs including demolition, site clearing, earthworks and retaining
  • Drainage and access leg upgrades and installation costs.
  • Holding costs and rates
  • Tax
  • Design and Building costs (if constructing dwellings)

​The average small lot subdivision would cost most people upwards of $40 000 – $50 000.

You can learn about subdivision cost components and feasibility considerations in great detail, including how to do your own feasibility studies, in the 225 page Infill Property Developer Guidebook.

What is Survey Strata?2020-06-10T12:07:32+08:00

Survey strata applications are a common type of subdivision application used for small lot subdivisions as an alternative to freehold title creation (green title) . Survey strata provides more flexibility in lot sizing because Common Property can be used, and a reduction in development cost because of a potential for shared services and access.

Subdivided lots are created under the Strata Titles Act and are known as ‘survey strata’. Note the following important considerations;

  • All lots on the survey strata can have their own drive and access way if there is sufficient space to do so during design, or share a driveway for access. Shared driveways are “Common Property”. This will be its own lot under the survey strata plan. All owners of property on the survey strata using the driveway will be equally liable to contributions for maintenance and upkeep.
  • Properties on survey strata may be subject to rules and regulations regarding things like appearance, design and height depending on the relevant Local Government Authority where the property is situated.
  • It is also possible for a single connection to be shared for utilities, such as sub-metering or shared connections for water, sewer and power. This can save significant costs when looking at 3+ lot developments.
  • It is a myth that you need need to build the same as your neighbour on survey strata titles or need to seek your neighbours permission to build what you want. The only time this will be necessary is if you  are proposing a design feature that deviates from the R-code or relevant local planning policy provisions (as with any normal development application).

You can learn the specifics about survey strata titling, design and how services can be shared in great detail in the 225 page Infill Developer Guidebook.

How long does property subdivision take?2020-06-10T12:17:00+08:00

At FLYNN, we encourage thorough planning and realistic expectations for project delivery. For most subdivisions, titles in hand in 9-12 months is realistic, and a good outcome.

Here is the process in a nutshell:

After the initial survey, planning and application the West Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) has 3 months to reach a verdict on a Form 1A subdivision application and issue conditions for approval. This is issued in a Decision Letter. The number of conditions and their complexity will determine the length of the project from there. The construction and civil works can occur at reasonable speed to meet conditions of clearance.

The speed at which different utility providers and Local Governments work to facilitate clearances however will vary. This is the lengthy part of the subdivision process. Most people take 6-12 months to clear all the conditions.

The good news is you have 3 years from the date of your conditional approval to clear all the conditions, and 4 years if you are producing more than 5 lots.

Once a clearance application (Form 1C) is submitted to the (WAPC) it is usually cleared in approx 4 weeks. A settlement agent can then lodge for titles with Landgate, with an average turnaround of another 4-6 weeks.

You can learn about what needs to happen at each stage in the subdivision process in comprehensive detail in the 225 page Infill Property Developer Guidebook.

What is the property subdivision process?2019-12-19T12:35:30+08:00

A subdivision is a multi stepped process. We provide a detailed overview on the subdivision process for Survey Strata and Green title applications on the how to subdivide land page of our website.

Can I subdivide my property?2020-06-10T12:21:14+08:00

The subdivision potential of your land and how/if you can subdivide will be determined by the following:

  • The zoning(allowable use) and density coding of your property on your Local Government or Councils “Local Scheme Map”, and subsequently your ability to meet relevant requirements in the State governments Residential Design Codes and the Local Government Scheme Text. The map will show the density code of all residential zoned land in the schemes boundaries.
  • The performance requirements specified in West Australian Planning Commissions (WAPC) Residential Design Codes, which stipulate minimum and average lot sizes for residential density coding annotated on a relevant  Scheme map. You can learn how this will impact your ability to subdivide and how important it is on the rules for subdividing land in Western Australia page of our website.
  • If you wish to retain the existing dwelling as part of a subdivision, the orientation, positioning and condition of the dwelling may impact the subdivision potential of the project.

There is a whole section with detailed explanation on subdivision and development potential available for your benefit in the 225 page Infill Property Developer Guidebook.

Is subdivision profitable?2020-06-10T12:26:29+08:00

Subdivision is the process of developing and titling new lots over an existing parent lot of land. The number of lots created will be affected by the size of the parent lot in question, statutory planning provisions and project finance constraints.  The end product is parcels of land you can sell for a profit, build on or retain for future use. With proper planning and well managed project delivery, subdivision is a very safe way to make money, and can be repeated with the right strategy approach and successful execution of profitable projects. Its all about adding value to the right property in the right ways.

At FLYNN our objective is to provide you with the information, education and services you need to enjoy successful, profitable project experiences you can build your wealth using the right combination of property development strategies. You can start by learning more about profit making strategies, how to engineer profit in design and how to structure a profitable deal in the 225 page Infill Property Developer Guidebook.

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Anton Flynn

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