Subdivision costs can only be definitively calculated after an application (Form 1A) is lodged and the WAPC has issued a conditional approval by way of a decision letter. The conditions in approval will drive project scope moving forward, and subsequently the costs. To adress some of these conditions you may require drawings (planning phase), which allows for accurate costing for project delivery.
Using our experience and a database of previous subdivisions in a multitude of localities across WA, we are able to provide cost opinions for most subdivision projects with a reasonable degree of accuracy with a small amount of desktop research. Feasibility studies will help o capture project specific costs during the investigation phase. It is essential to assess scope, timeline and costs specific to your subdivision or development project before you commit to the project, to make sure its actually going to be profitable.
In General, costs will include a combination of the following:
- Surveying costs. This will depend on the number of lots and type of subdivision application being made.
- Project management fees.
- WAPC application fees. The WAPC sets fixed fees for the consideration of the Form 1A and 1C applications. A standard 2 lot subdivision would have WAPC fees of approximately  $3500 and $650 dollars respectively for each stage.
- Contributions to utility providers and Local Government
- R-code compliance upgrades to any retained dwellings
- Civil/drainage and geotechnical engineering, planning and certification fees
- Preparation of subdivision lots and associated site work costs including demolition, site clearing, earthworks and retaining
- Drainage and access leg upgrades and installation costs.
- Holding costs and rates
- Tax
- Design and Building costs (if constructing dwellings)
​The average small lot subdivision would cost most people upwards of $40 000 – $50 000.
You can learn about subdivision cost components and feasibility considerations in great detail, including how to do your own feasibility studies, in the 225 page Infill Property Developer Guidebook.